A Very Enchanting Midsummer

Midsummer Enchantment | New + 10L Hunt Prize | June 22nd – July 7th

It’s another magical event from Dark Passions!

For my new and exclusive item, I created this “Spell Clutter” inspired by the potion from Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream” which is used by Oberon to drug Titania:

“Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell.
It fell upon a little western flower,
Before, milk-white, now purple with love’s wound,
And maidens call it “love-in-idleness.”
Fetch me that flower; the herb I showed thee once.
The juice of it on sleeping eyelids laid
Will make or man or woman madly dote
Upon the next live creature that it sees.”

“Love-in-idleness” is also known as wild pansy.

And for my hunt prize – original art based on a photo I took many years ago when I was last fortunate enough to visit beautiful Cornwall. I thought it would be fun to do a colourful edit. You can snap this up for just 10L for the duration of the event.

Check out all the goodies over on the official website and grab your TAXI to visit the event.

Ostara’s Altar

Ostara’s Altar | New + 20L Hunt Prize | April 13th – 28th

Spring has Sprung! At least it has in the latest event from Dark Passions – Ostara’s Altar where creators have all sorts of magical new creations. Scattered around the sim are also some eggs for hunters to find filled with prizes from 10-25L.

My exclusives are these Daffodil Candle Holders, available in two different colour packs. And scroll down for a preview of my hunt prize – a Spring Candy pack of Birdie Candle Holders.

Check out the official website for previews of all the new goodies and hunt prizes on offer. And here’s a TAXI to the main landing point (or a direct one to my booth – here).

Whatever season your part of the world is in, I hope you enjoy the joyful Spring vibes at this pretty event!

Hunt Prize

All the Beauty of the Season at Winter’s Hollow

Winter’s Hollow | New & 10L Hunt Prize | Jan 6th – 20th

Happy New Year! I’m starting off 2024 by embracing the ongoing season at Winter’s Hollow. The sim is beautiful and there’s lots of lovely new designs to explore.

At my booth there you can find the above crescent moon wreath decor (I thought it would be a nice way to welcome in a new year), and for my 10L hunt prize, there is the little robin candle holder pictured below.

Find out all about this event on the official website, and take a TAXI on over to my booth if you feel so inclined!

Wishing you all a wonderful start to the year! <3

A Boo-tiful Cart Sale

Trick or Treat Cart Sale + Hunt | October 1 – 31st | 2L Hunt Prize

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, again! What do you mean that’s in December? The most wonderful time of the year is clearly Halloween! Well, if you feel the same as I do, there’s some goodies coming up that you can Trick and Treat yourself with all October!

Starting off is the always fantabulous I Heart the Cart Sale + Hunt. It’s a Trick or Treat round and the 10th anniversary so there are low-cost items and gifts galore!

My 2L hunt prize is the ghost mirror above – have fun exploring the awesome sim for the candy hunt items. And as always, you can find the full prize list on the official blog here.

Also new from me is the latest punny collage picture below, priced at just 10L for the duration of the sale. And my free gift is a special recolour of one of my Skullz candle holders. I thought tin would be appropriate for this special anniversary round!

Here’s a TAXI to the cart sale and hunt landing point – enjoy! <3

Falling for Autumnia

Autumnia Hunt | Prizes 0-20L | September 1st-30th

I’m in a brand new grid-wide hunt this month – the fabulous Autumnia by BINGE Events. Check out the official website for all the goodies from all the stores involved, and for hints to all their locations.

Three red gems are hidden around my main store locations with prizes at 0L for the Leaf Candle Holders, 10L for the Oak Leaf Incense Holders, and 20L for the Triple Moon Altar Table.

Feel free to grab a teleport HUD in the store guide vendor near the landing point for easier navigation around all my store’s sections.

Happy Fall and Happy Hunting!

Escape the Ordinary

Escape the Ordinary Hunt 4 | July 1st – 20th | 2L Hunt Prize

It’s time for another extraordinary hunt – one of my favourite themes – which I’m proud to sponsor, with all sponsor fees going to the Trussel Trust.

My item is what every spider plant needs – a spider plant stand! With great horticulturability comes great stability.. or something. I don’t know..

(I’m also thinking of trying to do a carnivorous plant version in the future – stay tuned!)

If you’re not a huge 8-legged fan – don’t fear! – you can also rez the plant separately. The leaves of the plant are also tintable (instructions in included notecard, if you need them). I’ve already made them a greenish shade, but the base texture is black and white – so go nuts* (well, *nuts and black.. because the black bits are pretty much always going to be black..). And for a more futuristic look, you could always add a bit of glow.

As usual, this will be a full-price release when the hunt is over, so grab it for 2L while you can!

I hope you enjoy this prize, along others from all the fabulous designers – you can find all of the prize previews and hints over on the official blog here.

Enjoy! <3

TAXI to my store where my prize is hidden.
HINT – Chilling with the pumpkins..

Going Into the Woods

Into the Woods Cart Sale + Hunt | October 1st – 31st | 2L Hunt Prize

Wooo! It’s time for another fab I Heart the Cart sale and hunt! I’ve made two brand new things – the first is the vicious table (picture above).. because haunted wood makes fiesty furniture.. just make sure it doesn’t dine on you! Hunt about the sim to find it for 2L – and here is the full prize list from the official blog.

Also new is the latest in my collage-type pictures (below) – because I can’t get enough of Halloweenie puns.

You can find this picture on my cart, along with a free gift and some 10L items. I’ve resurrected a few old favourites that had yet to be rebranded, and it will probably be a while before they’re added to the store, so grab them while you can.

And as always, enjoy the fantastic sim and atmosphere <3
TAXI to the cart sale and hunt landing point

Back in the Day

2L Hunt Prize | Mainstore Hunt | October 1st-31st

It’s been a while, but I’m back! I was delighted to be invited to the latest Stuff My Inventory Hunt – I have fond memories of being a part of one of their Unknown hunts showcasing new creators back in 2013 (as by Chiana Oh) when I didn’t even make my own mesh. I was also delighted to also sponsor this hunt – with the sponsor fees being donated to Latch – the Welsh Children’s Cancer Charity.

After an extended break from building, in which I also moved house in RL, it seems appropriate that my first event this year has a nostalgia theme as it lets me look back and take stock a little. As a late Gen-X-er, my nostalgia is mostly 80s-90s based, and for an October hunt, I had to find some way of making it all about the ‘ween, so turning Dracula into RADcula was the obvious choice.. or something. I mean, immortal beings do probably follow fashion trends to fit in, even if they are undead creatures of the night? Right? Now I can’t get the image of a monster in a shell suit out of my head… the RUSTLING alone would alert any prey 🤣

Anyway.. the framed picture also comes with the four pumpkins pictured with their appropriate 90s-squiggle patterns and garish colours. I hope you enjoy!

You can find all of the prize previews and hints over on the official blog here.

TAXI to my store where my prize is hidden.
HINT – Bats are bodacious!

It’s A Monster Party!

Monster Party Cart Sale + Hunt | 2L Hunt Item, Free Gift, 10L Bargain Item
Oct 1-31st

It’s here! My favourite month of the year :0)

To kick it off with a bang – I’m participating in the always brilliant I Heart the Cart Sale and Hunt! The theme this time is Monster Party and I had a lot of fun creating for it! In addition to a sim-wide 2L hunt, there free gifts and 10L items on every cart – take a look and enjoy the spooky atmosphere!

You can see all the hunt prizes on offer over on the official event blog.

And here is your TAXI to the event landing point.

The cupcakes above are a brand new release, and can be found on my cart for 75L. Scroll down for my hunt prize, and free gift (both new) and my 10L bargain item.

“The Count” Monster Cupcake is a Free Gift and can be found on my cart.
This new “Happy Howl-o-ween” picture is my 2L hunt prize – you are looking for candy corn.
This previously released “Made for You” picture is on my cart for 10L for the duration of the event.

Going Beyond the Veil with Twisted

Twisted Beyond the Veil Hunt Prize | Free
September 1 – 30

I’ve sat out too many Twisted Hunts in the last year, so I’m very happy to have been able to create for one again! This Fall’s theme is “Beyond the Veil” which I absolutely love.

It inspired me to think about different methods by which we try to contact the dead (or how the spirits may contact us…). I had a few ideas, but the one that stuck was using the shape and some design elements of the planchette which was a popular mediumship device in its own right, and then became part of the the (in)famous Ouija board.

I put a little nod to the hunt theme in the title of the biggest book, which also has the theme colours.

My prize can be found *somewhere* in my main store.
Once the hunt is over, it will be priced at 150L – so grab it for free while you can!

The hunt start location is at Twisted HQ.
The official blog is here with loads of info about the hunt.
You can also see some of the other prizes available at Twisted’s Flickr and Facebook.
And there’s a friendly and helpful group for any help needed along the way:
secondlife:///app/group/73770da7-7d71-a54e-6e86-60a3e9281e07/about (copy and paste into local chat to bring up the group link).

Happy hunting and good luck! <3