Damned Twisted!

0L Hunt Prize
Sept 1st – 30th

A new Twisted Hunt is always a treat for me both as a creator and a hunter, so it’s a genuine pleasure for my first new release under my new brand to be a prize for this wonderful hunt. I always find the themes so inspiring, and the whole atmosphere of the hunt is just so much fun! It’s a real labour of love by all involved to make every hunt special.. and evilly difficult, of course.

This fall’s theme – damned – had so many possibilities, but in particular, made me think of the infernal contract or devil’s pact. As I was brainstorming what I could make along those lines, I randomly remembered the “Doctor is In” booth from Schulz’s iconic Peanuts comic and the idea of using that as inspiration for a demonic version made me smile. I hope it makes you smile, too.

Also included with the booth – an animated crate seat with book*, an individual book you can rez as decor, and a holdable book – because why not?!

This will be a full-price release** once the hunt is over, so encourage your friends to take part in the hunt if they want to get it for free, and for so many other reasons!

As you hunt, remember that many stores also add extras – side hunts, gachas and more have been known to spring up at any time – oh, and there’s a survival end game & party, too! I really recommend checking out (and re-checking!) the extensive official website to keep up to date with everything.

There’s also a really fab group in-world for on-the-spot help when you’re stuck, in addition to thriving and friendly chat – here’s the group key:
paste it in chat, and you’ll get a link where you can join.

Start your Twisted journey at the Twisted HQ – enjoy! 😈

*The book is Chicken Soup for your Soul? A Demon’s Guide to Diabolical Dealings & Twisted Transactions…

**In a change to how things were under my old brand, hunt prizes will now usually become full-price releases once the hunt is over (so unless they are to be retired, or some other shenanigans). I feel this change adds more value both for the hunter and for myself.

Behind the scenes..

I’m hoping to try and add a few more WIPs and things in this blog as it grows.

As you may be able to tell, I haven’t yet taken the plunge and switched to Blender 2.8. Who am I kidding? I took a peek at it literally last night, panicked, and reinstalled 2.79 so I’d have its familiarity as a back up.. I’m sure I’ll love the new interface when I get used to it. I’ve heard great things, but it’s scary! I mean, I’d only just figured out how to stop a mis-typed Blender shortcut changing the language of my keyboard on the “old” Blender, and now I can’t find half the things I use to build in the new one. I’m off to watch some YouTube guides.. see you next time! <3

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